Meet Janet Etty-Leal
Mindful education is my passion. My work has pioneered programs in creative Mindful Education in Australia. I specialize in bringing Mindfulness to life: with meaningful, engaging programs instilled with holistic, creative pedagogy. My aim is to make Mindful learning real, relevant and fun!
Meditation Capsules programs are based on over 20 years’ experience working with children from 3-18 years of age. Programs combine mindfulness with key tenets of Positive Education: informed by current neuroscience and leading educational visionaries, including Professor Martin Seligman, Dr Rick Hansen and Dr Norman Doidge.
Meditation Capsules programs are used in schools across Australia and overseas. Programs have been researched and endorsed by Masters and PhD candidates at Monash University, RMIT in Victoria and Universities in S.A., N.S.W. and W.A. and Universities in the U.S. Hong Kong and Puerto Rico.